A new Brawl Stars talent is here: IDarkJoker joins Reply Totem

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A new Brawl Stars talent is here: IDarkJoker joins Reply Totemr

After the recent departure of Andrea “Soidebresa” Bellauti, Reply Totem is ready to go through some changes with the arrival of the German talent Erik “IDarkJoker” Bravo Granström as the new starting player.
Soi leaves the team after a fantastic 2021 season where he got to reach important goals with the team, including a Top 3-4 at the prestigious Bucharest World Cup.


A new cycle opens with IDarkJoker. The 16-year-old talent will in fact be the first international player for the Reply Totem’s Brawl Stars division. Erik, considered by many to be the European “Golden Boy” already competes in the world of professional chess as well as being a fan of football and in particular of Barcelona FC. Coach Inso, Maru and Mauri got the chance to know him better through lower tier tournaments and the synergy is already expected to be victorious, thanks to a fresh and innovative contribution of game skills that will prove crucial for the qualification of the next world championship.


Federico Morchio, co-founder of Reply Totem said: “This is perhaps one of the toughest roster changes we had to face. Soi has always been a friend first and foremost and parting ways was certainly not easy. He is a very talented boy and I am sure he will find a new home soon. As for Erik, we can’t wait to officially work with him, I know how much the guys have respect for him and from the management side we are ready to give him all our trust for the future “

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