A new era is here: Reply Totem presents the new Rainbow Six Siege team!

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A new era is here: Reply Totem presents the new Rainbow Six Siege team!r

After an incredible adventure with the French guys, studded with excellent results on a national and European level, Reply Totem restarts with an all-Italian roster compliant with the new regulation: Alessandro “Karyudo” Izzo, Tristan “Helgast7” Veivolo, Andrea “Zorzi” Zorzi, Riccardo “Rick” Insabato, Giorgio “Carzi” Infante and Luca “Kaste” Castellani (substitute), will be the new face of the black-and-green team for all the competitions related to the Ubisoft title.


The project was born with a very specific idea: to introduce emerging players from the Italian scene and to support them with experienced players capable of bringing solidity and maturity to the table. The key will be to provide a concrete foundation on which to work and implement support staff that allow individual and collective development of the team. Positive air and the desire to get involved are already characterizing elements of the new team environment, crucial for a long-term project.


Expectations for PG NATS are directly proportional to the mentality of the roster; the strong legacy of the previous quintet must be the inspiration and symbol of what R6 represents for Reply Totem, thus restarting with new life blood and a clear objective of growth and consistency.


Andrea “Omega” Carducci, manager for the FPS area, said: “I was able to follow the boys in their training and I was immediately struck by the positive mindset and the desire to get involved in the team. I particularly like young projects and I am sure that the “new kids” will continue to improve at an impressive pace. “

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