BBlade and Reply Totem Qualify for the World Series of Warzone

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BBlade and Reply Totem Qualify for the World Series of Warzoner

The best continue to prove themselves: Reply Totem has qualified for the World Series of Warzone for the second consecutive year. Nicolò “BBlade” Maggi, along with teammates Wartex and Robstar (the latter being of English nationality), won the Last Chance Qualifier on July 12th, securing a spot among the top four teams out of forty participants. The World Series, which will be held live again this year, will be offering a prize pool of $1 million, with $950,000 allocated to the trio mode and $50,000 to Solo Yolo. BBlade is one of the few Italians to have reached this level, making their success even more significant.


The team dominated the Last Chance Qualifier, taking first place with 147.2 points and 84 eliminations, distancing the second-place team by 50 points. Only one other team with Italian players will be present at the world championship, highlighting the exceptional nature of this achievement.


Fabio Cucciari, CEO of Reply Totem, commented: “We are extremely proud of our athlete and the results he achieved. Qualifying for the World Series of Warzone for the second consecutive year is an extraordinary feat that demonstrates the dedication and talent of BBlade and his trusted teammates Wartex and Robstar. We look forward to seeing them compete live and are confident that they can achieve great results on the world stage as well. Reply Totem’s accomplishment is even more significant considering that only one other team with Italian players qualified for the World Series, making this milestone a great source of pride for the entire Italian esports community.”

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