Reply Totem and Miutifin partner up together with a look to the future

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Reply Totem and Miutifin partner up together with a look to the futurer

Esports and music will cross paths at the Milan Games Week 2021 thanks to the collaboration between Miutifin and Reply Totem, two young businesses with clear missions.


The unprecedented idea from Loris Caputo to create a unique platform capable of hosting both music creation and sharing is ready to make its debut into the gaming world and Reply Totem, an organization that focuses on innovation and trend setting, is ready to help them make this leap.
The symbol of this partnership will be shown at the MGW 2021 in the form of a dedicated team playlist, specifically created and tailored on Miutifin. The goal? Demonstrating all the potential of two projects that have young people and innovation at their core.


Loris Caputo, Miutifin creator, declared: “The collaboration between Miutifin and Reply Totem is born with the intent of developing a strong connection between the music and the gaming world. There is trust from both sides that this type of link could offer solutions and innovative opportunities for the new generation”.


Fabio Cucciari, Reply Totem CEO also commented: “Being both a father and a music fan, as soon as I learned about such a project (Miutifin ed.), I was immediately impressed about it and all its capabilities. The music production software inside the program allows anyone to demonstrate its talent, creating opportunities for every young enthusiast. I truly think that the combination of gaming and music could demonstrate one of the strongest synergies for both Generation Z and Alpha.”

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