Reply Totem Announces its entry into competitive fortnite

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Reply Totem Announces its entry into competitive fortniter

Reply Totem will be an active partecipant in the world of competitive Fortnite: a game that was previously topic of interest for sporadic invitational tournaments, is now instead a core component of the organization moving forward.


The team will be initially composed by two players as well as two team managers ready to support them.
The first member of the staff is Christian “Step” Nuvoli active in the game since the beginning in 2017 and as a manager since 2019. He starts up his journey as a content creator for a small team, where he gets to meet his now beloved friend Victor, team manager for that same team. Much like in the older days, Victor “Noix” Scalera will be following Step in this adventure as the second team manager for the team, he will bring knowledge and legacy, thanks to his previous experiences of team founder and World Cup qualifications.


On the player side, Totem will be represented by two talents Simone “Zid” Macri and Kevin “Crimikevin” Midili. Zid, known in the community since season 1, is one of the most prolific players in Italy, holding amazing records such as the highest kill number scored in a single “Solo vs Squad” game at 36 kills. Crimikevin, big friend of Zid since their days on APB Reloaded, is himself a recordman and respected player in the Fortnite Scene. Some of his accomplishments include the top of the Power Rankings as well as 9 qualifications for the World Cup. To top it all off, he still holds the record for most Victory Royales in a row, with a whopping total of 55 wins in a row!


Step declared: “We decided to create this project together with Reply Totem as we truly think of them as one of the top organizations in Italy at the moment. They grant us experience, as well as an enormous growth potential in the international esport scene. These are just the stepping stones for the future projects of the team regarding competitive Fortnite”


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