Simone "Figu7rinho" Figura among the Top 12 in the eChampions League 2021

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After reaching the qualification for the prestigious eChampions League 2021, Simone “Figu7rinho” Figura finishes it off by obtaining an excellent top 9-12 as well as a prizepool of $9000.


Unlike the previous years, the 2021 edition of the eChampions league has been played completely online, including the final phase. Simone climbed the tournament by initially scoring an exceptional 7-2 in the swiss format, taking home important wins vs like “Oliboli”. This first part of the event puts him on the spotlight and the signing with Reply Totem arrives immediately after, allowing Simone to close the event with the Green&Black squad.
The restricted format of the tournament, that allows for “Champions League” only cards makes Figu7rinho’s life harder than usual, as he struggles to get formations and modules he feels comfortable with. The clock is ticking fast but the teamwork with coach Vincenzo Cipolla helps him prepare with everything he needs for the final phase.The top 32 starts with an amazing performance in Day1 against opponents like “Tuga810”, granting him access to second day of the competition. Unfortunately the following day the pressure of the event, together with some technical difficulties related to the online environment prove to be crucial, precluding him from qualifying to the Final 8. Nonetheless the consistency he showed during the season was key in reaching this amazing result, which ended up in a top 9-12 as well as the awareness of being among the top 3 italians at the tournament.


The coach followed up saying: “I noticed an extremely serious Figu7rinho, that with little time at his disposal and many other difficulties managed to play among the best in the world without failing – Working with him has been extremely satisfying, we worked at our best both before and during the tournament.”


“The best moment has been for sure when we scored the second goal against Marcuzo, we went absolutely mental over it!”

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