The July bootcamp comes to an end: Reply Totem reinforces their family-like bonding

The Reply Gemini Towers in Milan are once again stage for an amazing team experience, this time with a focus on FIFA21 and Brawl Stars.
Much like in April for the Apex Legends team, the bootcamp initiative sparks with the goal of refining the preparation for their upcoming events. Margamat01 and the coach Cippo were in fact concerned with the partecipation to the Europe GS Playoffs, the most exclusive and important continental event of the year. On the Brawl Stars side of things, Maru, Maury and Soi, together with coach Inso, were finally able to see each other and buil-up an even stronger chemistry to play the then-upcoming ESL BS Challenge. The content creator Ferre took also part in the bootcamp as a special guest, getting the chance to cast this tournament next to the very partecipants.
Margamat01 and Cippo got their working plan started since the first day: a lot of in-game practice was balanced out by strategic talk as well as physical activity at the gym and relax at the hot springs. This top 33-64 is indeed a symbol of his hard work and an excellent starting point for the next season of this young talent.
The Brawl Stars squad were also able to take full advantage of this experience; working together live and creating a strong bond with each other helped them immensively in overcoming their Achilles’heel: SK Gaming. The German team, known to be the best in the world by margin, was indeed beaten by Coach Inso’s pupils as Reply Totem qualified to the Top 4 of the tournament as a result. Ferre was extremely excited in the heat of the moment, creating a true hype moment for the Italian Community thanks to his casting.
The team is extremely thankful to the main sponsor Reply and all the partners that helped up with content creation and performance enhancing activities: Macron, Asus Rog It, Sparco, Perform and Cèreal. See you at the next bootcamp!