Coach Myke becomes officially part of Reply Totem, rounding up the Fortnite department of the team

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Coach Myke becomes officially part of Reply Totem, rounding up the Fortnite department of the teamr

Signing the mysterious yet extremely talented Fortnite streamer wasn’t a sudden choice for the organization. Myke had been observed for a long time, due to his immense professionality and academic-like methods that distinguished him from the rest as a unique presence in the scene. He was deemed perfect to round up the Fortnite team together with Crimikevin, Zid, Step and Noix.


Coach Myke will bring world class experience to the team, having worked with some of the strongest players in Italy and Europe like Steelix, Baffo, Ardi and Shmeky. At the same time he will be streghtening the Streamers/Personalities department of the org, which can already count on names like Ferre, Gladitor, Budilicious and BardOZ.


The CEO Fabio Cucciari declared: “Adding such a creator to the Fortnite area helps us in shaping up the team even further. Reply Totem is proud to be able to compete with the most important organizations in Italy, aiming for the top of the mountain.”


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